Thursday, June 21, 2012

Be Prepared in Case of a Michigan Car Accident

After a car accident you might not know what to do. When a car accident takes place, many of times you are disconcerted, scared, and shaken up. The Michigan car accident lawyers at Buckfire & Buckfire P.C. realize the devastating effects car accidents have on the victim, and the victims’ family. Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. In 2005, approximately 6,400,000 car accidents occurred, killing nearly 42,000 people each year. In addition, the financial burden of these car accidents reach up to $230 billion in insurance claims, replacement services, lost wages, attendant care, and more.

What Should You Do If Involved in a Car Accident


There are tips everyone should know an advance to help deal with the stress and the Michigan No-Fault Insurance Benefit claims process of an unexpected crash.
  1. Be prepared (insurance card, vehicle registration, emergency contacts, flashlight, blanket, flares, jumper cables, rags or paper towels, trash bags, disposable camera)
  2. Be safe (move your car to a safe nearby location, but be careful not to leave the scene, check to see if anyone is hurt, contact the police)
  3. Stay calm (remain calm and polite, do not admit fault, cooperate with police)
  4. Exchange information (collect contact information for anyone who was there, obtain police report information, collect information about all vehicles involved
  5. Report the accident to our insurance company
In addition, the Michigan car accident lawyers of Buckfire & Buckfire P.C. have an app for iPhone and android owners to prepare an individual in case of an accident. The free Accident Lawyer App provides you with important contacts, such as 911, tow truck, and taxi cab locations and numbers and information about your rights in the event that you or a family member are involved in an accident. The Accident Lawyer App also includes vital tools that will ensure you capture all information needed at the scene of the accident, such as insurance information, accident reports, witness statements, and photographs of the vehicle damage. The app is a way to provide means for drivers to know that they are well prepared in case of an accident and knowledgeable of their rights.

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