Monday, September 17, 2012

Preventing Boston Pedestrian Accidents: Tips for Pedestrians and Drivers

Boston is an amazing city and many people choose to walk to and from their destination instead of drive. It is much more economical, environmentally friendly, and healthful than driving a car, but it is also much more dangerous. With the increasing incidence of distracted driving, pedestrians are at an extremely high risk of being struck, and likely killed, by a negligent driver. But there are ways both pedestrians and drivers can ensure that crossing the street does not require taking your life in your hands.

At the Kiley Law Group, our pedestrian accident attorneys have seen the damage that can be done by irresponsible drivers and hope that these tips will help prevent future accidents:

Tips for Pedestrians

  • Cross only at intersections, at a crosswalk, or street corners.
  • Where possible, always walk on the sidewalk; if there is no sidewalk, walk as far left on the street as possible, facing traffic.
  • Obey all traffic signals before walking into the road.
  • Never run into the road; always stop and check for traffic before crossing.
  • Watch out for turning traffic, especially on a red light.
  • Look both ways before crossing a street.
  • Make sure traffic has fully stopped before walking into the road.
  • Be wary of driveways, specifically the cars entering or exiting them.

Tips for Drivers

  • Obey all traffic signals and follow all speed limits.
  • Look for pedestrians at street corners and intersections even if there is no traffic signal or stop sign.
  • Make sure the car’s headlights are on (and working) at night.
  • Be very cautious near parks and in school zones.
  • Keep as close to the center of the road as possible when there is no sidewalk.
  • Always stop before sidewalks when entering or exiting driveways and look both ways for pedestrians.
  • Always come to a full stop at red lights and stop signs.

When a Massachusetts Car Accident Lawyer Can Help

In an ideal world, all drivers would practice caution when pedestrians are present, but this is unfortunately not how it typically works in reality. If you or a loved one has been injured in a MA pedestrian accident as the result of a driver’s negligent actions, you may be entitled to pursue legal action.

 Contact the Kiley Law Group today to find out how you can obtain the compensation you deserve after an injury auto accident. For a free consultation, call (888) 208-1695.

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