Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

By Presidential Proclamation, December has been designated as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, according to the White House Office of the Press Secretary. December is, in fact, the perfect month to focus efforts on the issue of drunk driving and general impaired driving as holiday festivities have a very large concentration of people both celebrating and driving on Massachusetts roads.

Alcohol and drugs present risks to drivers all year-round, but can be especially dangerous around the holidays. Remember, that being impaired while driving does not just involve alcohol and illegal substances, but prescription medications and even distracted driving. Any action or behavior that impairs your ability to drive safely is a hazard. Being aware of the risks of impaired driving and taking the (easy) steps to prevent it can make a significant difference in keeping everyone safe on the road.

 What You Can Do to Ensure an Enjoyable and Safe Holiday Season

At the Kiley Law Group, our car accident attorneys have seen too many crashes involving impaired drivers, all of which could have been easily prevented by using one’s better judgment. The following are some important reminders to help you and your loved ones stay safe and keep others safe as well:
  • If you plan to drink, don’t drive, period.
  • Remember that “buzzed driving” is drunk driving, as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) puts it.
  • Do not take any medications that can impair your driving abilities.
  • If you are having a holiday party, don’t let people at your party drive if they have been drinking. Take their keys and arrange for a ride home.
  • Stay off the road as much as possible, especially as the end of the month draws closer.
  • Report suspected drunk drivers if you come across them while on the road.
The holidays are a time to spend time with the people you care about, and you owe it to them and to yourself to make sure you take the necessary steps to stay safe and keep others safe as well.

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